Generally speaking, yes. This is because the majority of cut flowers we buy at flower shops are flown from overseas in refrigerated airplane cargo holds. I think we all know why airplanes are bad for the environment.
However, growing flowers is very good for the environment. Flowers make for happy bees and pollinators! So how can we make the flower industry good for the environment again?
- Know where your flowers are coming from.
Being an educated shopper is a tenement of making good environmental choices. Talk to workers, ask questions, do some research before purchasing.
- Buy in season.
This may take (a little) research as well but it is well worth it. Not only are your flowers going to be a better environmental choice as they will likely be local, but they will also be healthier, and likely cheaper. It is still a good idea to check that they have indeed been locally sourced before purchasing.
- Support your local farmers market.
This makes flower shopping a lot easier as all the questions can be taken out of it. You will be buying beautiful, local, and in season flowers. Support your local economy!
- Grow your own native flowers.
This one is my favourite. Support the bees, and make your yard bloom. If you love flowers, why not plant them? There are so many perks; happy pollinators, beautiful yard, and the most local of fresh cut flowers whenever you’d like them. This choice is undoubtedly the best for the environment.